Sunday, March 14, 2021

Clear Dark Entities And Spirit Attachments



I've worked as a professional therapist for several years using evidence-based energy therapy. It wasn't until I began clearing dark entities/energies from myself and clients that I noticed dramatic, permanent results. Almost all of us (around 92%) has dark entities, energies and spirit attachments we've absorbed, including animals. They're also known as our shadow aspects.

This often brings total relief from:

-low self-esteem

-unhealthy relationships or lack of love

-money issues

-career failures

-chronic health issues

-mental health issues (depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc.)


-low energy and fatigue

-cravings and addictions

-and many others...

In this gig, I'll directly clear all manner of dark entities and dark energies from your being, with permanent results. I work with the Light to release these energies permanently. I will also incorporate Body Code and Emotion Code when your Higher Self indicates it's needed. So every healing is completely customized to your personal needs.

I have a daily discipline of clearing myself to keep my Light Score at 100 and this is what sets me apart from most healers.


: : : : :

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