★ Willow Malone – Fiverr White Witch ★
I will Cast a Bring Back Ex Lover Spell on a You or a Friend using White Magic.
Your or a friends name (Basic Package) or Photographs (Standard & Premium Package) will be placed under a Powerful Rose Quarts Crystal.
The RED Candle will then be lit to begin the Bring Back Ex Lover Spell.
A Spell Chant will commence which can be personalised to Him/Her etc.
Your Names or Photographs will be combined with Powerful ingredients within the cauldron protected by Blessed Salt.
The spell will end with covering the cauldron.
You will receive photographs of your spell casting (Basic & Standard Package) or a full UNCUT Personalised Spell Video (Premium Package Only).
★ POWERFUL ingredients (All Packages) ★
Rose Quartz aids emotional wombs and healing allowing love
Fennel used to reawaken love once more
Frangipani Oil used to regain confidence in a relationship
★ Extra POWERFUL Ingredients (Standard & Premium Package Only) ★
Damiana used to stimulate a straying lover
Tigers Eye aids mutual understanding and unclouded emotions
Hydrangea used to remove negative energies surrounding you both

thank you so much, I noticed a little bit of a shift after the spell was casted. And likewise with my partner. I'm excited to see the effects as each day progresses
:Great experience. I can’t wait for the spell to manifest. It has been around 3 days since it was casted
:Very fast delivery as usual. Thank you so much willow_malone for the great service. I am now looking forward for this. I am positive and i believe that she will forgive me soon. Can’t wait to have a transaction with you again willow_malone. Thank you so much!
:Seller is fantastic. Good communication I have faith & hope in your work and I wish I get the desired result's. Highly recommended. Thanks
:Thank you so much x

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