Thursday, March 11, 2021

Show His Feelings Fairy Psychic Reading


Fairies are mysterious magical beings with bright energies. No questions, as Fairies know it all.... be warned that this psychic reading may not always be what you want to hear

Fairies have a way of knowing what a person is truly feeling about you. You may be wishing for him (or her) to feel about you in a certain way. "will you marry me?" since you first heard your fairy tale this is what you may be hoping to receive, a la la la fluffy fairy reading. BE WARNED, Fairies know-it-all and can help you reconnect to your heart instincts. But first you have to expect the unexpected! You may feel distressed that a person doesn't love you - but if you connect to your inner child, if you connect to your heart.... then you may feel energized and motivated as this fairy psychic reading has the potential to feed your soul.... to empower you to believe in love stories.... or be open to REAL LOVE

as per Fiverr rules-seller does not guarantee; disclaimer-18+ entertainment purposes; Zero revisions-WARNING! it may be unnerving to receive BLUNT no sugarcoating - NO FALSE HOPE, be ready for REAL TRUTH


Seller's Response:

She went above and beyond what I requested. Very thorough and useful information to help me. I am most grateful.

Seller's Response:

Love, Light & Fairy dust;

Seller's Response:

thanks, very prompt as always

Seller's Response:

I'm always happy to throw you that anchor in this emotional feelings reading. Know that when you're AUTHENTIC to the TRUTH something wonderful has room to blossom in your life


Fluer has the patience of a saint, an insightful gift AND her ability to articulate, in writing, her findings is remarkable. I'm overawed by the things I'm discovering about myself while pursuing the desire to learn the current thoughts and feelings of a secret lover I met 15 years ago.

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