Monday, March 8, 2021

Improve An Active Spell


A spell improvement is always suggested when you have an active spell, because having more energies for a ritual is always a good thing. Spells are done with pure energies convoiled to a singular purpose (using items of varius entity).

Giving more energy is equivalent to say that we are going to make the spell twice or more.

I suggest to make these improvement specifically if around you have evil people (that hurts you intentionally or not).

In this Gig with the gift of the Universe I will make this improvement possible, to bind and power-up your active spell.

Get in touch with me befor order so I could make a customized offer based on the active spell you have.


Seller's Response:

Really nice defiantly recommend go buy her gig!

Seller's Response:

Thanks my Doughter :)

Seller's Response:

Thank you soo much for your honest help :)


Thanks to you, my Son!


What a beautiful soul, I a so blessed to finally find genuine people who use there gifts to help innocent victims like me I will patiently be waiting

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