Sunday, March 7, 2021

Shamanic Healing Soul Retreival Power


This is a Shamanic Healing Visionary Soul Retreival Journey that I perform on

your behalf. I work with retreiving lost soul aspects parts or our Psyche

which have become lost or fragmented from our wholeness.

Throughout our childhood there are instances where we became Frozen

and fragmented from our situation in order to protect ourselves.

We have lost wounded Inner Children that need to be reclaimed in order to

live with more Wholeness Peace and Love.

I work within Sacred Nature Sacred Space I go into deep meditation and

work with your higher self and your guardians and guides to work with

reclaiming these Lost Selves and bring them back into your

presant day self.

I am a practising Celtic Shamanic Healer following the Celtic Priestess Path

I work with powerful planetary alignments full and new moon which is

very beneficial time to do this work..



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Thank you!


Great job! Thank you!


Thank you so much!!


In gratitude!

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