Wednesday, February 24, 2021

A Super Detailed Love Tarot Reading


Hi, I'm Mary, natural clairvoyant. I offer my services in a TV channel in Argentina, people call and see me in live. Since 27 years I dedicate myself to esotericism and see the future. 

From very young I developed psychic powers, such as the gift of clairvoyance and the power to help others through white magic rituals.

In this gig, I'm going to make a tarot reading super detailed on the love in your life. (Past - Present - Future)

You further could make up to 5 questions related to sentimental aspect and will be answered, with YES or NO.

You can ask about your current partner or something about related to the subject.

I can answer in English or Spanish.

You will not regret it. 100% satisfaction guaranteed and confidential.




Thank you so so much. What you said about me thinking I could stay single forever is so true and a private thing I think about, so the fact you stated it, I am just shocked. You went above and beyond for my questions. I am so thankful. Thank you, thank you.


the seller was fast and very detailed. I dont know how accurate things were though as they stated I would find a love next year but they stated the person was male and I'm a lesbian.


Amazing what she said! This so deep that I don’t want to see in some moment! It s really amazing! I highly recommend this buyer!


Excellent Reading! Knew things about me I had not mentioned. I’m totally impressed and thankful. Will follow her instructions. Looking forward to me snd my boyfriend getting back together. Thank you


Amazing. Incredible service that really resonated with me. I am really excited to reach out again when I have some questions. Thank you! 10/10

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