Monday, May 17, 2021

Vibrational Healing Frequencey Upgrade Shift


 Hello and Welcome to my Fiverr Gig 'Raise Vibrational Frequencey Healing Session'.

We are here to influence the direction of humanity and our planet into the 5th dimension

I work within the Quantum Field and Reconnective Healing, Metatronic Healing

to heal blocks challenges karmic ancestoral stagnant energies, generational

programms curses / conditions to free you in this Human Existence to bring

flow and connection to your Guardians and Guides and Higher Awakened

Sovereign Self. 

I am presented thru working with your Higher Self and Guides what needs

to be worked with , and released from your field to raise your vibrational

frequencey and release lower vibrational energies that are keeping you

stuck. Its all about Keeping your Vibration UP to remove illness

and issues that are not serving you.

 A full report of findings is given of the session.  


Seller's Response:

Magnificent experience Wonderful practioneer

Seller's Response:

great experience

Seller's Response:

lovely client

Seller's Response:

Wonderful healing work! Thank you! :)


very welcome blessings and thanks to you

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