Thursday, March 4, 2021

Theta Healing Technique Session


Hello and welcome to my Fiverr Gig for 'Theta Visionary Healing'

sessions from Basic session to Cord Cutting of Negative Ties

Cords Bonds Vows Discordant Energies Hexes Curses

negative Soul Contracts from your field to a full Premium session

for a Karmic Ancestoral Release working with your ancestoral


I work with your Guardians and Guides Higher Intelligence Great Spirit

and Quantum Field energy vortex healing to remove clear resolve

energies that are not in accordance with your highest good.

I work with Ascended Masters of Light Angels of Healing

Metatronic and Melchezerdek frequencies crystalline earth energy

devic energies working with Ascension Vibrations and Portals/Activations

as we move into the Aquarian Age working with Twin Flame Reunion

(please see Twin Flame gig)




Seller's Response:

Amazing healer - genuine. Recommend!

Seller's Response:

blessings to you


Amazing healer!


Perfect Ray of sunshine that I needed. Blessings


always welcome bless u

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