Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Give 20 Min Psychic Phone Reading Special Offer


Hello, I’m Laura, a God Gifted Psychic from birth. Although I may be new to Fiverr I have been giving Professional Psychic Readings for Over 40 Years. I would love to help you with any issues you may be struggling with. Rest assured that I will be honest, detailed and accurate in your reading. Most Orders Deliver in Under 1 Day!

My abilities include:

  • Spiritual Channel-Medium
  • Clairvoyance
  • Medical Intuitive
  • Aura- Remote Viewer
  • Pets
  • See My Reviews

20 min Phone Reading = $25

Best Price Phone Reading!

Gig extra 30 min by Phone! = $35

Basic Gig $10 = 2 question in writing complete answers

I use all of my skills to give a thorough reading. I contact your loved ones and guides in spirit to answer your questions on:

  • Love & Relationships
  • Family Issues
  • Work & Career
  • Health
  • Many More

I would love to help you connect with the Other-Side.

I will always tell you the truth about what I see. Not just what you want to hear. I'm a psychic who truly cares & wants to help.

I do not cast spells please do not ask.


Seller's Response:

great experience again!


great experience!


Thanks ! She’s always a big help and very honest.




Thanks for the Tip!

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